Saturday, December 28, 2013

Wake Up Dana!

So I will say that I have let things go in a bad way! I am attaching these photos to remind me just how awful I have let myself go and that it's time to suck it up and get back in the game.

In two months I better look better!

I am going to a Crossfit intro class January 4th. I am also going to start eating better today! I  post will come back in about a week and post an update.

Measurements (awful):
H 39
W 31
T 24

Friday, August 30, 2013

Making a Comeback Soon!

Yea! It's been a while! Had some setbacks and I am back in the game!

Work has kept me super busy but I am determined to get back on track with Paleo and exercise!

More to come! D

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


So yes I realize it has been forever since my last post. I had a couple of setbacks with some gastro issues but now I am better. Just have to drink a probiotic every day! No big deal, after all, I am eating very different than I was before. Anywho!

I also was a bit frustrated because I was at a plateau. It took me a while to figure out which foods were causing this. What did I change so drastically that wasnt allowing me to lose more inches? Too many nuts! Upon reading a couple of Paleo resources this seemed to be the cause. Change made!

Waist - 29
Hips - 37
Thigh - 22

I am down to 142 lbs.! That is the least I have weighed in a long time. Granted I rely more on measurements due to muscle mass I feel like that is pretty awesome!

I am still enjoying the food and learning how to prepare new things! I will admit I also have the occasional cheat day every so often. Like Hugo's brunch this last Sunday! Yum! You just gotta have Tres Leches if it's offered to you!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Photo - 2 Weeks In


If you would like to know how we'll I am doing I wish you could see the gigantic HEB cake that is sitting next to me in the break room. I love HEB cake! I am happily eating my blueberries and blackberries though, knowing that I will not feel crummy at the end of the day!

So far so good I must say. I am still finding a remarkable difference in the way I feel and look. I love that I am able to fit into my old clothes again. Although I have a long way to go I am excited about the benefits down the line.

One thing I will have to mindful of is the amount of money I am spending to eat this way. I am going to have to consider the farmers market in town to purchase most of my fresh fruits and vegetables. I just recently bought (actually Bradley did) a Crock Pot so that I can start trying out some slow cooker recipes so that I have a variety of protein to choose from throughout the week.

In a could of weeks I will post a new picture. I just want to see if there is a difference in the way I look compared to my first photo.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


So after two weeks I have lost 2 pounds and inches here and there! I am so excited! I also just feel better all around!

H - 37 1/2"
W - 30"
T - 23"

I meant to add that seeing pictures of myself from the weekend didn't make me cringe! LOL!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Power Salad! YES!

This was the best salad I have made so far! Lots of mixed greens, tomato, avocado and grilled chicken. Topped it with some really awesome balsamic (I invested in the really good stuff!). Just FYI, vinegar is not Paleo, however, I am still trying to figure out some new salad dressings so that I don't get burnt out on lemon juice and olive oil!

I am definitely noticing my energy level. I know it has to do with the food but I also feel that it's also from taking the right supplements!

I also downloaded some additional books on Paleo that I am still working through. As mentioned before, I know that if I am going to stick with the salads I need to change up the dressings!

Something else to think about is the time it takes to prep everything in the morning. In the beginning, breakfast was my biggest worry. I have to eat breakfast or the day is ruined! There are several breakfast ideas I have pinned on Pinterest and I have so far loved the egg muffin cups. They're convenient and make the morning go faster. They last me through the week and taste great! I know I will eventually need to change things up so that I don't burn out on them though.

I'm out!

Monday, April 8, 2013


Just FYI, I picked up some blackberries from Whole Foods this past weekend! They are my favorite berry of the week! YUM!

Girl's Weekend and Mighty Mud Dash

So I had a great weekend with some girls I went to high school with! We decided to do the Mighty Mud Dash together and it was a blast! I will post pictures of that later!

So how did the food choices go you ask? Well, for the most part I feel like I did okay. I did cheat and have some kolaches and a breakfast taco. Not too bad for my first weekend on Paleo. It's back on the wagon for me though. I know that as I am going through this journey it will be challenging at times. I just have to work through it and not give myself a tough time. I have to enjoy life too!

So after a week I did loose an inch in my waist and thighs and a half inch in my hips. Not too bad for the first week! Yay!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Zaggora Hot Pants

So I just got a pair of these pants! I will keep you updated! Zaggora

Not Giving In

So yesterday I was had a free lunch opportunity and thought I would test my will power. Deli sandwiches, chips and fresh baked cookies. Oh how I love fresh baked chocolate chip cookies! But nope, I was strong. I just thought of all the things I can look forward to if I stick to my plan. I had the deli meat from the sandwich and an apple that I brought for myself. Today they are having pizza, so unless I want to starve, I will bringing my own lunch. I am looking forward to my shrimp Greek salad!

Just a note: The picture of me in my profile is what I want to look like again. I was in great shape and happy with myself. I want to be that way again! I will get there!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Pic 04/01/2013

So this is me now. I am hoping to see some changes, mentally and physically, in the next couple of weeks.
Hips - 38"
Waist - 33"
Thigh - 23"
I am not going to necessarily measure my weight at this time. I do have some muscle from bi-weekly bot camp/Crossfit. I am probably going to see a difference in weight anyway. I am also slightly over my normal BMI @ 25.1.

Day 2ish

I have  decided to give the Paleo lifestyle a try. So far so good although this is only my first full day. I have decided to to this for many reasons.
  • It is just so darn hard for me to maintain my wieght since I have turned 40
  • There are several health benefits that come with this lifestyle change: decrease in joint inflammation being the main one for me
  • I am also hoping to see an increase in energy
Wish me luck as I go through this lifestyle change! I will be periodically posting updates and pictures as I travel through this Paleo Journey. Oh and this is Day 2ish because I made a yummy dinner last night. Burkey burgers. A delish combo of lean ground beef and ground turkey.